index - NETGCOOP 2011- International conference on NETwork Games, COntrol and OPtimization

International conference on NETwork Games, COntrol and OPtimization
October 12-14, 2011, France


The topic of network control and optimization has been of increasing importance in many networking application domains, such as mobile and fixed access networks, computer networks, social networks and transportation networks. These all require tools (both conceptual and algorithmic) for a better and more efficient control operation, for optimization of their performance, and/or for a better understanding of the relationships between entities that may be cooperative or act selfishly, and in an uncertain and possibly adversarial environment.
The goal of this international forum is to bring together researchers from different areas with theoretical expertise in game theory, control, and optimization, and with applications in the domains listed above..

  • Hierarchical optimization in networking
  • Resource allocation and their optimization
  • Optimization and control theoretical tools in networking
  • Algorithmic game theory
  • Learning mechanisms in games
  • Computation of Nash, correlated, and market equilibria
  • Price of anarchy
  • Stackelberg games in netwokring
  • Incentives for cooperation between network entities
  • Network pricing
  • Preference elicitation and winner determination in combinatorial auctions
  • Flow and congestion control in networks
  • Transport networks
  • Control of queuing networks
  • Scheduling transmissions in networking
  • Optimization of wireless networks
  • Grid applications
  • Trust and reputation management
  • Electrical power networks
  • Formation of social networks
  • Competitive routing
  • Biological networks

Organizing committee

General Chair:
  • Tamer Başar Univ Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

General Co-Chairs:
  • Roberto Cominetti Universidad de Chile
  • Sylvain Sorin Univ. Paris 6
  • Bruno Tuffin INRIA

Steering Committee Chair:
  • Eitan Altman INRIA

Organizing Committee Co-Chairs:
  • Tijani Chahed Telecom SudParis
  • Jocelyne Elias Université Paris Descartes

Web Chair:
  • Corinne Touati INRIA

Logistics Chair:
  • Françoise Abad Telecom SudParis

Program Committee:
  • Ivo Adam TUE
  • Tansu Alpcan Tech. Univ. of Berlin
  • Gürdal Arslan Univ. of Hawaii
  • Konstantin Avrachenkov INRIA
  • Amar P. Azad UCSC
  • Giulio Cantarella Univ. Salerno
  • Jose Correa Univ. of Chile
  • Costas Courcoubetis Athens Univ. Economics and Business
  • Jocelyne Elias Université Paris descartes
  • Atilla Eryilmaz OSU, Columbus
  • Michael Florian Univ. of Montreal
  • Majed Haddad INRIA
  • Rahul Jain USC
  • Hisao Kameda Univ. of Tsukuba
  • Lasse Leskela Univ. of Jyväskylä
  • Tom Luo Univ. of Minnesota
  • Michel Mandjes UVA
  • D. Manjunath IIT Bombay
  • Fabio Martignon Univ. Bergamo
  • Ravi Mazumdar Univ. of Waterloo
  • Angelia Nedich Univ of Illinois
  • José Niño-Mora Carlos III Univ. of Madrid
  • Fernando Paganini Univ. ORT
  • Manoj Panda INRIA
  • Michael Patrickson Chalmers University
  • Lacra Pavel Univ. of Toronto
  • Balakrishna J. Prabhu CNRS
  • William H Sandholm Univ. of Wisconsin
  • Gesualdo Scutari Univ. of Buffalo
  • Yutaka Takahashi Kyoto Univ.
  • Hwee-Pink Tan Institute for Infocomm Research
  • Eva Tardos Cornell Univ.
  • Johan van Leeuwaarden Eindhoven Univ. of Tech.
  • Kavitha Voleti Veeraruna INRIA
  • Sabine Wittevrongel Ghent Univ.
  • Yang Richard Yang Yale University EuroNF Public Web Portal    Institut Télécom    Télécom SudParis    Inria    Université Paris Descartes

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