International Conference On Preconditioning Techniques For Scientific And Industrial Applications
May 16-18, 2011,
Bordeaux, France
The International Conference on Preconditioning Techniques for Scientific and Industrial Applications, Preconditioning 2011, is the seventh in a series of conferences that focus on preconditioning techniques in sparse matrix computation.
The speakers of this conference will discuss some of the latest developments in the field of preconditioning techniques for sparse matrix problems. The conference will allow participants to exchange findings in this area and to explore possible new directions in light of emerging paradigms, such as parallel processing and object-oriented programming.
Conference Chairs
Pascal Hénon, TOTAL E&P / INRIA, France
Esmond G. Ng, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
Yousef Saad, The University of Minnesota, USA
Wei-Pai Tang, The Boeing Company, USA
Local Organization (INRIA Bordeaux Sud-Ouest, ENSEIRB, University of Bordeaux 1)
Emmanuel Agullo, Luc Giraud, Abdou Guermouche, François Pellegrini, Pierre Ramet, Jean Roman
Josy Baron, Laetitia Grimaldi
Partenaires des journées
Université Bordeaux 1 | CNRS | Communauté Urbaine de Bordeaux |
Région Aquitaine | CEA | TOTAL |